the science

deflect demo
exoptic preview

>exoptic fields video box-rear


(back cover text)

conditions: TV, videos, and the Internet become irresistible, as producers create ever more captivating media to compete with ever expanding viewer options. Afflicted viewers desire these on-screen worlds over life off-screen. Is this human evolution or a condition? Either way, the global success of movie-media is provoking acute forms of dis-ease for which exoptic fields is designed as the antidote: a full reversal of media logic by visual deflection.

indications: For the temporary relief of TV, video, or Internet addiction; and for the temporary relief of chronic malaise due to TV-world vs. nonTV-world confusion anxiety. For the retrieval of lost empathy due to TV-induced emotion atrophy; of lost public life; and of lost time and reading-based analytical powers due to compulsive channel/web surfing.

warning! Intensifies sensory stimuli from off-screen and may induce various forms exhilar-ation when exoptic fields subtracts TV-area visual and emotional stimulation of the TV screen.

directions: Insert and play as needed.

ex • op • tic (ek«se äp«tik) adj. 1. of the deflection of the eye or the deflection of the sense of sight 2. of the negation of the sense of sight in one or more areas in any given field of vision, as in [an exoptic video makes the screen seem to disappear]
(box top edge)

active ingredient: One hour of exoptic fields recorded on magnetic tape that play back as specific liquid surfaces, colors, luminance's, and forms, including a static brick wall, all arranged and set in motion precisely to deflect viewers' eyes from any surface upon which they appear.

inactive ingredient: Approx. one minute introduction and glimpse of movie-mediascape history.

(box spine, left from cover)

EXOPTIC FIELDS for the reversal of movie-media logic by visual deflection


by willy mal
blind eye

approx. 60 min

(box spine, right from cover, production credits)

exoptic fields produced&designed by willy mal
collaborators: image&fx: vid-savant Matt Dibble, pixel pusher Benton Bainbridge & animator Eric Solstein
music: Joe Mendelsson droneclickskiploop sample: Gen Ken voice: Catherine Adamidi
production: digital media zone, NYC cover design: Bob Gill


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